Aircraft:MW6 Sorcerer
CATEGORY2 Homebuilt aircraft Manufacturers
DESCRIPTION (english):The MW6 was the first two-seat microlight design by Mike Whittaker and has gone on to become his most popular creation to date, with over 200 sets of plans sold. It's a comfortable two-seater, similar in concept and technology to the MW5 Sorcerer, and comes in two forms. The original tandem version is called the MW6T Merlin, while the side-by-side version rejoices in the name of MW6S Fatboy. Both are very solid and safe, though performance doesn’t match the latest hotships. The aircraft has LAA approval.
DESCRIPTION (french):Le MW6S est la version biplace côte à côte du Sorcerer. Il existe une version tandem intime (T) moins populaire. Construction en tubes de Dural. L'aile est constituée d'un gros tube Dural formant longeron sur lequel sont enfilées des nervures en bois collées. L'homologation a été obtenue au Royaume-Uni en tant que machine en kit par la PFA, association de constructeurs amateurs.
DESCRIPTION (german):Die MW6, ebenfalls von Mike Whittaker, ist die Zweisitzer-Version des Modells MW5 Sorcerer, in der die Sitze entweder als Tandem hintereinander (T-Modell) oder Side-by-Side (S-Modell) angeordnet sind. Die Zulassung in Großbritannien erfolgt als Bausatz bei der Amateurbauer-Organisation LAA. Die Baupläne wurden mittlerweile über 200 mal verkauft.
DESCRIPTION (chinese):MW6是Mike Whittaker设计的第一款双座轻型飞机,也是他迄今以来最受欢迎的作品,已售出200份图纸。这是一款舒适的双座机,与MW5 Sorcerer的概念和技术都相同。原串列双座版称作MW6T Merlin,并排双座版取名MW6S Fatboy。 尽管性能不能与最新的热门机型相比,但各版本均非常结实和安全。本机已通过LAA认证。
Empty weight (EW, kg):190
Wing span (WS, m):9.98
Wing area (WA, m²):15.24
Tank capacity (TC, litre):-
Engine (Eng):Rotax 503
Power (hp):50
Max take-off wt (MTOW, kg):390
Number of seats (St):2
Maximum speed (Vmax, km/h):148
Cruise speed (Vc, km/h):102
Stall speed (Vs0, km/h):56
Climb rate (Vz, m/s):2.5
Fuel consumption (FC, l/h):-
Certification (Cert):PFA