Aircraft: | Mescal 4 L |
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CATEGORY | a1 Paraglider & Paramotor / Paratrike Wing Manufacturers |
DESCRIPTION (english): | The paraglider brand which also produces successful kites under the name Flysurfer is super active and drives an impressive production. The RnD team including Manfred Kistler and Arne Wehrlin is now joined by Alex Höllwarth who boosted the designs production. The Skywalk's ID remains its Jet-Flaps technology (small openings at trailing-edge drive the air-flow forming a "Junker flap" and reduce the stall speed). The recent superb class C Cayenne 4, the performanced B Chili 3, the class A Mescal 4, the tandem Join'T 3 (2 sizes), the mini-wing Tonic (3 sizes) are joined by the extra-light weighted Masala 4 (Mescal 4 design) and the versatile class B Tequila 4. The Skywalk X-Alps 2013 wing is distributed. |
DESCRIPTION (french): | Grandes ambitions et beaucoup de travail chez Skywalk, qui nous surprend par le dynamisme de sa production ! L'arrivée d'Alex Höllwarth pour épauler Manfred Kistler et Arne Wehrlin à la conception a visiblement boosté les choses (et rappelons que les Jet-Flaps présents sur tous les modèles sont des fentes traversant le bord de fuite pour retarder le point de décrochage). Après le superbe "sporster" Cayenne 4 (classe C), ont suivi la Chili 3 en B "perf", la Mescal 4 (A), le léger biplace Join'T 3 en 2 tailles, la mini-aile compacte et polyvalente Tonic en 3 tailles. Et tout récemment, la Masala 2 hyper légère dérivée de la Mescal 4, et la Tequila 4 en B très polyvalente. L'aile X-Alps 2013 est aussi commercialisée. |
DESCRIPTION (german): | Die Marke beeindruckt mit Dynamik und Qualität. An allen Flügeln finden sich die altbekannten Jet-Flaps, rechteckige Löcher an der Austrittskante zur Verzögerung der Stallgeschwindigkeit. Das Entwicklungsteam um Manfred Kistler und Arne Wehrlin wird nun unterstützt von Alex Höllwarth. Nach dem sportiven Cayenne 4 (Klasse C) gibt es nun den leistungsstarken Chili 3 (Klasse B High-Level), den Mescal 4 (Klasse A) für Schulung und Einsteiger, den Tandem Join'T 3 in 2 Größen sowie den kompakten Mini-Schirm Tonic in 3 Größen. Außerdem seit kurzem den ultraleichten Masala 2 (eine leichtere Version des Mescal 4) sowie den Allrounder Tequila 4 (Klasse B). Der X-Alps-Flügel 2013 ist nun in Serie. |
DESCRIPTION (chinese): | The paraglider brand which also produces successful kites under the brand Flysurfer is active and produces well finish wings and harnesses. Jet-Flaps smart technology remains the Skywalk "touch" (small openings at trailing drive the air flow forming a "Junker flap" and lower the stall speed). After the recent class B "easy" Tequila 3, the light-weight Arriba 2 (B) with aluminium coated Aerofabrix, the class C beauty Cayenne 4, the new gliders are the Chili 3, very performand in the class B, the class A Mescal 4 for training, the tandem Joint'T 3 and two mini-gliders: the Tonka is inspired by the Arriba 2 and the Tonic is a small surfaced all-use paraglider. Note a prototype for X-Alps is under testing. |
Wing area (WA, m²): | 31.94 |
Certification (Cert): | EN/LTF A |
Zulässiges Startgewicht min (PW min, kg): | 100 |
Zulässiges Startgewicht max (PW max, kg): | 130 |
info_05: | 44 |
Wing span (WS, m): | 4 |
Aspect ratio (AR, *): | 4.8 |
Min sink rate (Vz min, m/s): | - |
Maximum speed (Vmax, km/h): | - |